The Role of Indigenous People Knowledge in the Biodiversity Conservation in Gursumwoerda, Easternhararghe Ethiopia

Author Details

Yeneayehu FenetahunMihertu

Journal Details


Published: 28 March 2018 | Article Type :


The term biodiversity refers the number and variability of living organisms. It also incorporates human and cultural diversity. The Gursum indigenous people and their knowledge on the biodiversity conservation represent one of the oldest traditionally valuable systems in Ethiopia. Indigenous peoples and their socio cultural relationship with biological systems have largely been contributing to sustainable conservation of biodiversity. Lack of awareness and knowledge on the part of the people about biodiversity is one of the major factors that contribute for loss of biological resources. The main objective of this study was to analyze the role of indigenous peoples and their knowledge on biodiversity conservation. For this research key informant interview, Filed visit and informal discussion were carried out to generate primary data. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage. Mainly indigenous biodiversity conservation method dominantly owned by Gursum community was home garden/traditional agro forestry practice. And the methods are its own advantage to mitigate environmental problems such as loss of biodiversity and high concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Lack of prioritization for indigenous people due to neglect, decay, as well as destruction of socio-cultural values and their knowledge on the biodiversity conservation were the reasons for the degradation of biodiversity. Therefore, we concluded that evidence of culture; spiritual, social and ethical norms possessed by indigenous peoples have often been determining factors for sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity.

Keywords: Gursum area, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous people, Biodiversity.

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How to Cite


Yeneayehu FenetahunMihertu. (2018-03-28). "The Role of Indigenous People Knowledge in the Biodiversity Conservation in Gursumwoerda, Easternhararghe Ethiopia." *Volume 2*, 1, 29-36